A Wish is an unusual hilarious comedy which features an unusual slew of impressive cast, names such as Chris Okagbue (Gulder Ultimate Search 8 winner), Helen Paul (Tatafo), Bishop Imeh, Kola Olaiya and others.
Incidentally, the top stars of the movie, A Wish are Brand Ambassadors in their own rights and enjoy a huge share of popularity in their respective domains. Other members of cast include; Iyke Ogbonna and Clara Iweh.
The movie is supported by Close up, Lifebuoy, Blue Band, Genevieve, Unilever, Lipton, Onga, Cool FM, Wazobia FM, Nigeria Info FM and OMO. The movie is scheduled to premiere on Saturday, December 1, 2012 while the cinema release has been slated for Friday, December 7, 2012.
Synopsis: A single mother who is a petty trader with no opportunity of education had one wish; to see her child go to school and explore the opportunities she never had but fate struck and she had to struggle to achieve her dreams against all odds. Finding out she has a few years to live after being diagnosed of cancer.
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